10 Crafts Inspired by 90s Summer Camp


Whether you want to reminisce, or bring some old fashion ideas to your child's life today, here are 10 crafting ideas that will surely bring memories to surface. 

1. Tie-dye 
This is a timeless activity that all of us can remember trying once (and making a mess too). There are now endless sources to create just the design you want, but sometimes you want to just tie a bunch of rubber bands and have your go with the dye!


2. Friendship Bracelets
What can possibly be more fun than knotting string for an hour? (Okay maybe you can think of some...), but for campers, sitting at a picnic table on a hot day with your friends, picking colors and making wearable art - very fun.
There are various sources that teach you how to make them - they are quite easy since it is just the same motion over and over again
Video: How to make it

I've always wanted a bracelet like these, and never learned how.. looks like i have a project this weekend :)

3. Gods eye 
Requires: 2 sticks and some string! (Or clean popsicle sticks)
I'm unsure as to why this is called "God's eye", but recall the activity clear as day. You simply cross the two sticks and wrap the string around to make the decoration. I believe my mother would hang it up in the window. You can use it as an ornament, chic decore for your room, or just as a little reminder of your little one to bring a smile to your face. 

How to make it - 6 steps 
Video: How to make it

God's Eye Pins by Camp Smartypants, would be nice with mercerized cotton or embroidery floss

4. Nature "Bracelet"
This craft was especially fun before regulations became more strict, as we would wander off into the forest areas and grab whatever we could find. (Notice, we were still supervised, and safe). But, today this activity could be just as fun. Use the opposite side of tape to make a bracelet and stick whatever you want to your fine piece of jewelry.
These don't last long, so the fun lays in making it.


5. Marble Painting 

Requires: Marbles, a shoe box or some other box, piece of paper, paint.

The fun in this one is spontaneity! Put the paper in the box, dip the marble in paint and drop it in the box, move the box around to create your art! 
Construction paper can be used for special effect! 

Video:How to do it

Marble Painting for Kids

6. Peanut butter bird feeder 
This is a treat for the birds, (or more like the squirrels if they get to it first). You attach a peice of string to the top of a pinecone or an empty toilet paper tube, then cover it in peanut butter and roll it in bird seed.

How to make it


8. Tissue Paper Flowers - Tissue Paper Flower Pens 

This one requires tissue paper, a pen,some string, and tape. 
It's not difficult, but you will need to follow a set of directions! 

Here's how: Steps

This cheerful paper flower pen is the perfect thing to cheer up any office, pair with a guest book, or even give away as a fun party favor. I think the bright neon duct tape adds a great extra pop of color, but you can also use something a little more natural like green washi tape. I’d love to have a bouquet of these on my desk!

9.Finger Knitting 
This is simple once you get the hang of it. You can make scarves, bracelets, decorations, ect. 


10. Rock painting 
Rocks are everywhere, so with a plentiful supply, some paint, and decorations like stickers, pompoms, googly eyes, ect. - you have yourself a paperweight or pet rock!

Fun with Pet Rocks {A Camping-Themed Craft}

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